About This Journey

How it Started

One day, while scrolling through TikTok (as one does), I stumbled upon this video. Someone was listing all the ways they wanted to be rich:

Rich in time...
Rich in love...
Rich in family...
Rich in health...
Rich in gratitude...
Rich in experiences...

And you know what? It got me thinking. I want to be rich too. But not just in the conventional sense.

The Daily Practice

So I created this website as my personal exploration of true wealth. Think of it as a daily vitamin for your soul - just pick one area to focus on each day. You could choose deliberately, or let serendipity guide you with the random picker.

The key is: don't try to digest it all at once. Take it slow. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is true richness. Visit daily, focus on one area, and watch yourself become richer in all the ways that truly matter.

Want to Support?

If this resonates with you and you'd like to support my work, you have options! You can join me on Patreon for ongoing support, buy me a coffee (which honestly, helps fuel more coding sessions), or simply star the project on GitHub. No pressure though - your presence here is already appreciated! 🙏

~ anvaka (@anvaka)

Remember: True wealth isn't about having the most, but about appreciating what makes life truly rich.

Made with 💝 by Anvaka