

This is a graph traversal library, inspired by gremlin

It allows to create complex graph traversal patterns by using simple construction blocks. To best understand shremlin, let's start with example

  // Let's say we have this oriented, 3x3 grid graph:
  // 0 → 1 → 2
  // ↓   ↓   ↓
  // 3 → 4 → 5
  // create graph iterator:
  var g = shremlin(graph);

  // How to iterate all graph vertices?
   .forEach(function(vertex) {
     console.log(; // prints 0..5;

  // How to get vertex with id "1"?
   .forEach(function(vertex) {
     console.log(; // prints only 1;

  // Let's print all neighbors of vertex 1, reachable via
  // outgoing edge:
   .out() // get all outgoing neighbors.
   .forEach(function(vertex) {
     console.log(; // prints 2, 4;

  // How about roots of incoming edges?
   .in() // get all "incoming" neighbors
   .forEach(function(vertex) {
     console.log(; // prints 0;

Now that you understand basics, let's move on to the file

"use strict"; module.exports = createGraphIterators;

Creates a wrapper to iterate over graph. A wrapper contains methods which allows you to begin iteration. Currently we support only vertices as iterator starters, but in future we can easily extend this and add edges


  • graph can be a ngraph.graph or a Viva.Graph.graph.
    (source graph we want to iterate over)
function createGraphIterators(graph) { return {

Creates a vertex iterator stream. This is an entry point for all traversal starting with a node.


  • startFrom is optional and can be a string or a number.
    (vertex id to start iteration from. If this argument is ommitted, then all graph nodes are iterated)

Returns a VertexPipe

V: function createVertexStream(startFrom) { var VertexPipe = require('./lib/pipes/vertexPipe'); var VertexIterator = require('./lib/iterators/vertexIterator'); var vertexPipe = new VertexPipe(graph); vertexPipe.setSourcePipe(new VertexIterator(graph, startFrom)); return vertexPipe; } }; };

Add syntatic sugar on top of each iterator, so that you can chain them together.

var extendIterators = require('./lib/pipeSugar'); extendIterators();